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Yahoo! Auction
About Yahoo! Auction
Steps from Download to Usage
Get the Yahoo! Auction app by clicking the link on this page.
Once the app is installed, open it to view the welcome screen. Sign in using your current Yahoo! Auction account, or set up a new one effortlessly.
After logging in, personalize your account by uploading a profile photo and filling in your details. Think of it as your virtual handshake with the app community.
Start your auction adventure on the homepage by browsing through various categories. Choose a category that catches your eye and dive into the listings to discover hidden gems!
Once you've chosen an item of interest, just click on it to place your bid. You'll receive regular updates from the app about the auction progress to keep you well-informed.
Once you've won an auction, head over to the 'My Auctions' section to finalize your purchase. The payment method is straightforward and secure, guaranteeing that your new acquisition will be on its way shortly. Have fun with your auction adventures!
Yahoo! Auction