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About Vinted
Steps from Download to Usage
Get the Vinted app by clicking the link on this page.
Begin by personalizing your profile: add a photo of yourself, pen a short biography, and disclose your location to build credibility with other users who may buy from or sell to you.
Tap on the 'Sell' button to start creating your listing. Add clear photos, write a detailed description, set your price, and choose how you'd like to ship the item.
Locate the desired product by typing its name in the search bar or by exploring various categories. Once you find an item you're interested in, click on 'Buy' and proceed with the provided instructions to finalize your purchase.
Use the in-app messaging system to ask questions, discuss prices, or arrange delivery details.
After finalizing a transaction, please spare a moment to rate and review the other participant. Your input is vital for maintaining the app's community standards and helps guide future users in their transactions.