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Starling Bank
About Starling Bank
Steps from Download to Usage
Get the Starling Bank app by clicking the link on this page.
Once registered, spend some time configuring your account. Connect your additional bank accounts and cards, and adjust your settings to suit your needs.
Get to know the various functions of the app, such as spending insights and budgeting tools, to enhance your financial management.
Utilize the app's straightforward payment and fund transfer features. Starling Bank streamlines the process for bill splitting or account transfers, ensuring a swift and effortless experience.
Leverage the app's instant notifications and detailed spending insights to keep track of your financial behaviors. Utilize this information to enhance your spending decisions and increase your savings.
Should you require help, the Starling Bank app offers a specialized support crew at your service. Utilize the chat function within the app to seek answers and sort out any problems you encounter.
Starling Bank