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About Picard
Steps from Download to Usage
Get the Picard app by clicking the link on this page.
Open the app once it's installed and begin the account creation process. Choose to sign up using your email address or, for a faster setup, register with your existing social media accounts.
Browse the main screen of the Picard app to find exciting options like the Recipe of the Day, popular meals, and personalized recommendations that will tantalize your taste buds.
Use the search function to find specific recipes or ingredients that you're in the mood for. Set filters based on your dietary needs, how much time you have to cook, or choose a type of cuisine that appeals to you tonight.
When a recipe catches your eye, tap on it to see all the delicious details such as ingredients, step-by-step directions, and reviews from fellow foodies. Don't forget to hit the save option to easily access your favorite recipes for your next cooking adventure.
Begin by taking advantage of the app's handy shopping list feature, which allows you to quickly include ingredients from recipes. While shopping, tick off items on the list to monitor what you've bought, enhancing your cooking journey and sharing your tasty dishes with the Picard community!